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Who We Are

Our team of innovative and experienced professionals are here to help you develop, design, manage, and market your brand. At Hausbeck Brand, we believe talent, street smarts, and persistence is the perfect mix to create success for our clients. We combine brand insights, best practices, and innovative design solutions to engage and deliver our clients’ exceptional service. We are seasoned collaborators and call upon our trusted industry network when needed. So, you can rest assured knowing you’ve got the best talent in your corner.

people adjusting graph line upward

Our Philosophy

Make sure your brand is affecting your bottom line in a positive way.

  • Clarify – Clarify your message, define your target audiences, and understand your consumers’ journey.
  • Share – Share your brand’s story, both visually through design and strategically through content creation and delivery.
  • Engage – Engage your audiences with creative marketing strategies that deliver results.
  • Track – Track and manage the effectiveness and ROI of your marketing efforts.

Meet Our Team

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to marketing your company. We understand that finding the right tactics to fit your brand, budget, and company goals can be overwhelming. You need a partner that can help you make informed decisions to generate brand awareness, attract qualified leads, and increase sales. At Hausbeck Brand, we roll up our sleeves and work right alongside our clients. Our process starts by getting to know you, your company, your culture, and your customers. We’re firm believers in the lost art of conversation, whether in-person or virtually. Talking through ideas together is key to our success. We create an experience that is exciting, thought-provoking, educational, and fun. Partnering with our clients creates a collaborative environment fueling both our, and our clients, enthusiasm, and passion for the tasks at hand!

  • Designers
  • Strategists
  • Creatives
  • Photographers
  • Videographers
  • Content writers
  • Marketers
  • Researchers

michelle hausbeck

Michelle Hausbeck

Founder, Creative Director

Michelle brings 20+ years of experience in developing and executing creative brand strategies to her clients. She’s a firm believer that a brand’s personality must shine through to truly connect with their target audiences. Michelle is passionate about community engagement and has a keen eye for incorporating cause marketing into her clients’ strategies.

Michelle Hausbeck is certified through the Get Good Speaker Mastery Program, a John Maxwell-certified program. She trains and delivers keynote speeches on a variety of topics, both personal and industry-related. She believes that being a great speaker is learning to become a great storyteller, engaging with your audience, and adding value to their experience. She gives her all to the audience and creates a valuable and memorable experience for them.


Beth Bauhgan

Administrative Coordinator

Beth is the Administrative Coordinator at Hausbeck Brand. Previously, she owned a successful health and wellness business for 16 years. One of her greatest passions is helping others. Her role at Hausbeck Brand allows her to serve others and assist in a variety of roles to both the company and the clients. Her greatest role in life is being a wife and mother for 24 years. She loves to run, lift weights, play pickleball, golf, and cook healthy meals.

morgan sjoblom

Morgan Sjoblom

Lead Graphic Designer

As a self-proclaimed pixel pusher, Morgan has been involved in the world of marketing and graphic design for over a decade. Working on projects that span the gamut including 1,200 page sports catalogs, informational surgery booklets, merchandise design, social media content, and website management. Morgan’s desire to be cognizant of trends, continue education, and stay inspired allows her to problem solve and create endlessly.

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